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Calibri scanalati

Tamponi scanalati passa non passa
Anelli scanalati passa non passa


I calibri scanalati sono descritti in diverse norme nazionali ed estere e nelle norme internazionali ISO 4156. Tutte queste normative si diversificano una dall’altra e non sono esaustive ne riflettono lo stato dell’arte della tecnologia. Il sistema FRENCO INO per I calibri scanalati rappresenta uno standard unificato al più alto livello tecnico. I calibri scanalati sono disponibili secondo vari disegni.


All spline gages are supplied with a full calibrated certificate, including graphs of all individual form deviations. They comply with the requirements of ISO 9000ff and thus completely replace the incoming goods inspection. Exceptions are possible upon request.

Frenco INO System

The INO system is a FRENCO internal standard for the external dimensional measurement of spline gages. National and international standards were taken into consideration in its development and it represents an average of the dimensions specified in these standards. The construction considers the recyclability and manufacturability of the extremely wear-resistant material HX.

Disegno calibri scanalati

Tabella dimensioni calibri scanalati

The tabulated dimensions for Frenco INO apply for all splines with involute and serration flanks. Frenco INO-L is used as standard for “go” straight flank gages. INO-L dimensions are available for oversize gages on request.

Selezione materiali

The content of chromium and vanadium alloy, as well as the hardness of the material, determine the wear resistance of the spline gage. The time intervals between wear inspections depend on wear resistance, which means that highly wear resistant materials allow the monitoring periods to be significantly extended; this often more than compensates for the higher manufacturing costs.

Grafico resistenza materiali all'usura

Tabella materiali


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